Responding to the annual report on the basic income for care leavers, Joel James MS, Shadow Minister for Social Partnership, said:
The basic income trail is completely unaffordable in the long term and would cost (not including inflation) a staggering £528Million in 10 years if just 500 new people entered the scheme each year.
The Welsh Conservatives are concerned that the current trial is using some of the most vulnerable people in our society to further a socialist agenda and the money would be better spent providing additional wrap around support for those entering, and already in the care system so they are better prepared when they leave care.
Whist some may very well benefit from the extra £1600 per month, there is a risk that if any have drug dependency issues then this money will exacerbate their existing problems.
While it’s crucial that care leavers are properly supported, the basic income is the wrong intervention to make.